NSJ Law Group

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What to do when in accident

Being in an accident is disorienting and stressful. Unfortunately, the next few moments after the crash are extremely important in determining your case.

At the scene of the accident:

Never admit fault
Do not put yourself in a disadvantage position

Get a police report
A police reports is a piece of crucial evidence that can be a decisive factor in your case

Receive the contact of any witnesses
Any third-party testimony can serve pivotal statement in a case

Document the scene
A picture is worth a thousand words. Having as many pictures as possible of the scene of the incident and the damage on all vehicles involved is beneficial for your case
Even after the crash, there are steps you can take to further protect yourself.

Go see the doctor
Even if you do not have any immediate symptoms of pain after the auto accident, the aftereffects from it will appear as time passes. It is better to seek treatment immediately and regularly after the accident, to help you get the most effective treatment and strengthen your case.

Record the damage
Keep a record of everything that is related to the incident. Anything as the potential to be evidence that can strengthen your case, even if it does not seem like it at the time. Make sure to store it all in a olace that is easiv accessiole when needed

Stay quite
After an accident occurs, you will be getting many calls from various places, especially insurance companies. Be sure to limit what information you are sharing with these insurance companies, even if it is your own insurance company. These companies are not necessarily always seeking something that is in your best interest, so it is best to share minimal information until you hire an attorney.

Seek an attorney
Insurance companies can take advantage of people that do not have an attorney to defend them after the accident. Seek professional help as soon as possible after an accident so we can do our best to resolve the case.

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